Accountability and Rights in Managing Marj Sanour Watershed

The notion of “Accountability” is the sense of taking responsibility for one's own behavior, at the same time being able to account for the effects of such behavior to others (Laban, 1993). It has to be emphasized that accountability, just as other measures for natural resource management, has to be defined at all levels from local farmers and target groups up to national governments and donor agencies. Accountability is also important when assessing the degree that local people in communities (groups and individuals) are willing and able to take ownership for the management of their local natural environment. This study aims at assessing the capacity of the local community in maintaining their rights and duties in managing their natural resources in Marj Sanour to adapt to climate change.

Individual and local community ownership will turn into accountability when proper access and control is present over their resources. If the local community has the knowledge and capacity to manage their natural resources, has the organizational strength and capability to raise questions and ask for rights, the local community will therefore assume accountability for their natural resources (laban,1994)

Starting Date

01 - 01 - 2012

Ending Date

01 - 01 - 2013

Project Status


Project Location

Marj Sanour - Southern Jenin Governorate