The proposed project “Improving Water Conditions for Agricultural Uses in Northwest Jerusalem Villages” through improving access to water resources. This will be achieved through the construction of (5) underground rain water harvesting systems of pear-shaped type to harvest and store rain water to be used for crops irrigation especially in summer and drought seasons.
Moreover, the project will also include the provision of training sessions on management of respective intervention and relevant environmentally friendly techniques.
The proposed intervention of the construction of 5 rain-water harvesting cisterns will target farmers in area “C” in nine localities in Northwest Jerusalem which are: Beit Inan, Beit Surik, approximately 90% of these villages are situated within area “C” and some villages like Um Lahem are fully located within area “C” as well as an additional nine villages are surrounded by the apartheid wall, settlements and bypass roads. Such obstacles make the access and movement of the farmers to their land very difficult and restricted. Furthermore, during specific timings of the year, the farmers require permissions granted by Israeli government to access their land next to the apartheid wall, which is require passing through security gates. Additionally all water facilities like irrigation water networks are prevented and farmers are forced to bring water from nearby villages and springs through tankers, animals-powered, or manually. The farmers must use primary storage tanks like steel barrels to store water for irrigation purposes.
Such interventions will encourage farmers to steadfast in their lands; improve land productivity and increasing green areas as well improving the social relations through water distribution equality between farmers.
Beneficiary’s contribution will be in-kind only in the project activities through land preparation, unskilled labors and land rehabilitation.
All project direct beneficiaries will benefit from the training sessions and awareness campaigns as well as local councils and community based organizations will be involved and benefit from the training component.