روابط مفيدة
- Arab Hydrology Group
- Humanitarian Response
- Global WASH Cluster
- United Nations
- Geomolg
- Palestine Standards Institution
- Norway Representative Office
- Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO)
- World Bank
- Development Assistance and Reform Platform (DARP)
- Agricultural Projects Information System (APIS)
- Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem (ARIJ)
- Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA )
- Attorney General Office
- Belgium Development Cooperation
- Canadian International Development Agency
- Central Elections Commission
- Consulate General of Italy/Italian Cooperation
- United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine (UNISPAL)
- Consulate-General of France
- Coopération Technique Internationale - Territoirespalestiniens
- Deprived families Economic Empowerment Program (DEEP)
- Environmental Quality Authority (EQA)
- EU - SEYADA II Program
- UN Women
- Flagship Project - Health
- Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- General Personnel Council
- Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)
- GIZ - Germany
- High Judicial Council
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- German Development Bank (KFW)
- International Monetary Fund
- Millennium Development Goals
- Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
- Ministry of Education and Higher Education
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Interior
- Ministry of Justice
- Ministry of Labour (MoL)
- Ministry of Local Government (MoLG)
- Ministry of National Economy
- Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MoPWH)
- Ministry of Social Affairs
- Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MoWA)
- Ministry of Youth and Sports (MoYS)
- Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
- Palestine Bureau of Statistics
- Palestine Monetary Authority (PMA)
- Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (PARC)
- Palestinian Bar Association
- Palestinian Businessmen Association
- Federation of Palestinian Chambers of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture -FPCCIA -
- Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction – PECDAR
- Palestinian Federation of Industries
- Palestinian Industrial Estates and Free Zones Authority
- Palestinian Network for Small and Microfinance (Sharakeh)
- Palestinian Shippers Council
- Palestinian Water Authority (PWA)
- Portland Trust
- Representative Office of Canada
- State Audit And Administrative Control Bearu SAACB
- UNDP Rule of Law
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
- United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
- World Health Organization (WHO)